Nutcrackers > Ulbricht > Nutcracker Ballet
The key characters within Tchaikovsky's Ballet of the Nutcracker Fantasy have
previously been created in nutcracker figures by several of the world's
premier German makers. Christian Ulbricht has created the Mouse King,
Herr Drosselmeyer, Clara and the Toy Solider before, but his current series
illustrates the ultimate in German craftsmanship and exquisite design.
In this section of Ulbricht nutcrackers are his wonderful Nutcracker Suite
characters, both from his Lauingen factory in Bavaria and his Seiffen factory
in the Erzgebirge.
You will find our Ulbricht nutcrackers organized within these twelve groups...
NEW 2024 Ulbricht Nutcrackers l Ulbricht Natural Nutcrackers
Classic Ulbricht Nutcrackers l Limited Edition Ulbricht Nutcrackers
Ulbricht's Nutcracker Ballet l Tour Birds l Ulbricht Santa Nutcrackers
King Arthur - Camelot Nutcrackers l Halloween / Day of the Dead Nutcrackers
Small Ulbricht Nutcrackers l Very Large Ulbricht Nutcrackers
Nutcracker Replacement Parts
Other Similar Products
Small Toy Soldier 2021 Ulbricht Nutcracker
He watches over all the great toys. Do you see the key he
has on his shoulder? With this he turns on all the wonderful
music boxes, which not only make children's hearts beat
Don't even try to tamper with his toys. He has his rifle
firmly in his arms.
Attention to detail is a trade mark of each limited edition
nutcracker from Ulbricht!
Made in Germany by
Holzkunst Christian Ulbricht
2021 Introduction
11-1/4 inches - 28,5 cm
Small Mouse KIng Ulbricht Classic Nutcracker
Here is a true king! With the crown on his head and the
sash around, the Mouse King leads his followers into battle,
sword in hand. This evil side of the story exists in Pyotr
Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker ballet and is based on an old
German story by ETA Hoffmann, the Nutcracker and the
Mouse King.
This smaller sized nutcracker is a great gift for a young
collector of this story, standing just over ten inches!
Attention to detail is a trade mark of every Ulbricht
nutcracker that originated with Otto Ulbricht in the
Erzgebirge in 1928.
Made in Germany by
Holzkunst Christian Ulbricht
Open Edition Nutcracker
2020 Introduction
10-5/8 inches - 27,0cm
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Small Herr Drosselmeyer Ulbricht Nutcracker
Who does not know the story of E.T.A. Hoffmann... How the
Uncle, Herr Drosselmeyer is looking for a present for his
niece Clara, perhaps a little Nutcracker? This German
author's book, the Nutcracker and the Mouse King
became the story line for Pyotr Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker
This smaller sized nutcracker is a great gift for a young
collector of this story, standing just over ten inches!
Attention to detail is a trade mark of every Ulbricht
nutcracker that originated with Otto Ulbricht in the
Erzgebirge in 1928.
Made in Germany by
Holzkunst Christian Ulbricht
Open Edition Nutcracker
2020 Introduction
11 inches - 28,0 cm
Herr Drosselmeyer-Nat 2021 Ulbricht Nutcracker
Who does not know the story from E.T.A. Hoffmann that was the
stimulus for the Nutcracker ballet. In the nutcracker,
Drosselmeyer has a present for his niece Clara with him, a
little nutcracker.
This Limited Edition nutcracker was produced in
Christian Ulbricht's Seiffen, Saxony factory.
Made in Germany by Seiffener
Nussknackerhaus - Christian Ulbricht
Limited Edition of 5,000
(32-341 was first introduced in 2004)
Replaced with this second issue in 2021
Signed by Ines Ulbricht
15-1/2 inches - 39,5 cm
Natural Toy Soldier Ulbricht Nutcracker
This is the third nutcracker in a brand new series of
Nutcracker Suite characters for the Ulbricht's. This
"Natural" series has been designed by Ines Ulbricht,
daughter of Christian Ulbricht.
This Limited Edition nutcracker was produced by
Christian Ulbricht GmbH Seiffen Saxony, Germany.
Made in Germany by Seiffener
Nussknackerhaus - Christian Ulbricht
Limited Edition of 5,000
2005 Introduction
Signed by Ines Ulbricht
17-3/4 inches - 45,0 cm
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