Shop employee, Sandy Griesbach did a wonderful job in garnishing The Frame
Workshop it's first National First Place Award in July of 1985. The small
limited edition print, "A Visit to the Capital" by P. Buckley Moss was the
competition print selected by the Professional Picture Framers Association
that year.
Sandy chose to keep the framing presentation
monochromatic with silver and blue-green color elements. The octagonal fillet matched the Silver
cap moulding. Sandy also added an octagonal glass etched line on the interior of the floating
panel, as well as a square glass etched line closer to the molding. Her concern for detail
brought home the top Award to The Frame Workshop. |
This was The Frame Workshop's first International framing award, and was
executed by owner John Ranes. The framed "Coke Can" also captured Third
Place at the PPFA New & Creative Framing Competition in Chicago the following
July, 1994.
The Coke Can was the subject matter which was framed by all framers in this
UK competition. We chose to shadowbox the Coke can in a 4 inch deep
lacquered molding. This enabled us to include a lighted presentation with a
small motor that rotates the Coke can slowly.
Black matting around the Coke Can conceals the motor and the lighting system.
We added a hand cut "Coke Wave" to the matting.