German Smokers
Räuchermännchen or Smoking men - These incense
burners have been created in the Erzgebirge region of
Germany since 1856. Since the earliest designs,
German craftsman today still produce smokers as
forestry workers, miners, chimney-sweeps, mailmen,
bird watchers and other different folk. Our smokers
are categorized by each German manufacturer...
Ulbricht Smokers l KWO Smokers
Steinbach Smokers l Franz Karl Smokers
Dregeno - Müller - Richard Glässer
The home of the first smoking man was Heidelberg, a
small village near Seiffen in the Erzgebirge. By
word of mouth, it is known that Ferdinand Frohs and
his nephew Gotthelf Friedrich Haustein produced the
first smoking man in 1856.
KNOX Incense Cones for Smoking Men
Other Similar Products
Explorer KWO Chubby Smoker
This new chubby smoker for 2024 portrays an explorer... looking
for a lost fellow comrade in the jungles of Africa perhaps?
Hand-turned wood and painted, assembled in the KWO workshop in
Olbernhau, Saxony, they always present their designs in classic
and traditional wood turned art.
Made in Germany by KWO
Kunstgewerbe-Werkstätten Olbernhau GmbH
2024 Introduction
8-1/4 Inches - 21,0 cm
Sorry - Out of stock for the year!
Please check back next year...
Santa on Sleigh Natural Ulbricht Smoker
Ulbricht's Natural's have spilled over
into this extensive
collection of Natural Smokers of all sizes
including this
richly decorated Santa smoker with Sleigh.
This fellow would make a magnificent table
Made in Germany by
Holtzkunst Christian Ulbricht
2005 Introduction
11 Inches - 28,0 cm
Sorry - Out of stock for the year!
Please check back next year...
Lady with Coffee Pot Franz Karl Smoker
Not all German smokers are designed as men with pipes, as
this woman holds a steaming pot of hot coffee created by the
incense inside!
Smoke from the incense within circles out of the coffee post
Made in the Erzgebirge, Germany by
Franz Karl GmbH - Venusberg
Imported by Dregeno
6-5/8 Inches - 17,0 cm
Shepherd Little Fellow KWO Smoker
One of several smaller smoker designs introduced by KWO
in 2011, this little fellow is off to take care of his sheep.
Made in Germany by KWO
Kunstgewerbe-Werkstätten Olbernhau
2024 Addition
4-3/8 Inches - 11,0 cm
The Small Knox Incense Cones should be
used with these "Little Fellows".
Log Bench for KWO Sitting Smokers
This handcrafted two toned log bench in finished wood has
been designed to accommodate the KWO sitting smokers, but
might handle other brands as well.
This is a nice accessory when you would rather not have your
smoker sitting on the edge of a bookcase, etc.
Made in Germany by KWO
Kunstgewerbe-Werkstätten Olbernhau
4 x 2-3/16 x 1-5/8 inches
10,0 x 5,5 x 4,0 cm
2022 Introduction
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